Hi folks,
many times we need to create the dummy or new file or report file with date timestamp appending to file name. Also, from the given file path we need to separate the file name and file path then definitely this post might help you.
Public Function AddResultTestdatafile(strFilePath)
Workbooks.Add Template:=strFilePath
strNewFileTempName = getFName(strFilePath)
strTestFileNameval = Split(strNewFileTempName, ".")
strNewFilePath = getPath(strFilePath)
'to generate file name appending datetime stamp
strNewTestFileName = strTestFileNameval(0) & "_" & "DummyData" & "_" & Year(Date) & Right("00" & Month(Date), 2) & Right("00" & Day(Date), 2) & Right("00" & Hour(Time), 2) & Right("00" & Minute(Time), 2) & Right("00" & Second(Time), 2) & ".xlsx"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
Filename:=strNewFilePath & strNewTestFileName
ResultDummyFilename = strNewFilePath & strNewTestFileName
AddResultTestdatafile = ResultDummyFilename
End Function
'to get the path from given file path
Function getPath(pathfile) As String: getPath = Left(pathfile, InStrRev(pathfile, "\")): End Function
'to get the file name from given file path
Function getFName(pathfile) As String: getFName = Mid(pathfile, InStrRev(pathfile, "\") + 1): End Function
many times we need to create the dummy or new file or report file with date timestamp appending to file name. Also, from the given file path we need to separate the file name and file path then definitely this post might help you.
Public Function AddResultTestdatafile(strFilePath)
Workbooks.Add Template:=strFilePath
strNewFileTempName = getFName(strFilePath)
strTestFileNameval = Split(strNewFileTempName, ".")
strNewFilePath = getPath(strFilePath)
'to generate file name appending datetime stamp
strNewTestFileName = strTestFileNameval(0) & "_" & "DummyData" & "_" & Year(Date) & Right("00" & Month(Date), 2) & Right("00" & Day(Date), 2) & Right("00" & Hour(Time), 2) & Right("00" & Minute(Time), 2) & Right("00" & Second(Time), 2) & ".xlsx"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
Filename:=strNewFilePath & strNewTestFileName
ResultDummyFilename = strNewFilePath & strNewTestFileName
AddResultTestdatafile = ResultDummyFilename
End Function
'to get the path from given file path
Function getPath(pathfile) As String: getPath = Left(pathfile, InStrRev(pathfile, "\")): End Function
'to get the file name from given file path
Function getFName(pathfile) As String: getFName = Mid(pathfile, InStrRev(pathfile, "\") + 1): End Function
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