Hi Folks,
In sheet, particular column if we need to find the duplicate value for some text and on which row that text appears, we can find it using below logic. Also, here the column name can also be dynamic on sheet, so this will find it based on column index in given range.
Sub fnFindDupValRowNoInCol()
Dim shRead As Worksheet
Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("WorksheetDemo")
strSearchNameTxt = "Priya"
'function to get the column index based on name
ColNameIndexrST = fnGetColIndex(shRead, "Name")
MsgBox "Name column index is " & ColNameIndexrST
'function to find row number for given search text
Dim iWriteSTNameRowNoFlag As String: iWriteSTNameRowNoFlag = GetshWriteNametextRow(shRead, strSearchNameTxt, ColNameIndexrST)
iWriteSTNameRowN0RecVal = Split(iWriteSTNameRowNoFlag, ";")
If UBound(iWriteSTNameRowN0RecVal) > 1 Then
MsgBox "Mulitple value found"
MsgBox "Total number of duplicate value is " & UBound(iWriteSTNameRowN0RecVal)
flgmultiRec = True
MsgBox "multiple value not found"
flgmultiRec = False
iWriteSTNameRowNo = iWriteSTNameRowN0RecVal(1)
End If
End Sub
Public Function fnGetColIndex(WST As Worksheet, strSearchCol)
Set findrng = WST.Range("1:1")
ColIndex = findrng.Find(strSearchCol, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole).Column
fnGetColIndex = ColIndex
End Function
Public Function GetshWriteNametextRow(WST As Worksheet, strSearchTxt, strColIndex)
GetshWriteNametextRow = 0
'code to find last used rows
shWritelRows = WST.Cells(Rows.Count, strColIndex).End(xlUp).Row
'code to give Range along with column index instead A1 kind of
'Range(A1) is same as Range(cells(1,1)
Set Rng1 = WST.Range(WST.Cells(1, strColIndex), WST.Cells(shWritelRows, strColIndex))
flgMoreMatchCnt = False
Dim matchIndexVal As String
rowval = 0
With ActiveSheet
Set Rng = .UsedRange.Find(strSearchTxt)
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = Rng.Address
'c.Value = 5
Row = Rng.Row
MsgBox " Search value found at row " & Row
rowval = rowval & ";" & Row
Set Rng = .UsedRange.FindNext(Rng)
If Rng Is Nothing Then
GoTo DoneFinding
End If
Loop While Rng.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With
GetshWriteNametextRow = rowval
End Function
In sheet, particular column if we need to find the duplicate value for some text and on which row that text appears, we can find it using below logic. Also, here the column name can also be dynamic on sheet, so this will find it based on column index in given range.
Sub fnFindDupValRowNoInCol()
Dim shRead As Worksheet
Set shRead = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("WorksheetDemo")
strSearchNameTxt = "Priya"
'function to get the column index based on name
ColNameIndexrST = fnGetColIndex(shRead, "Name")
MsgBox "Name column index is " & ColNameIndexrST
'function to find row number for given search text
Dim iWriteSTNameRowNoFlag As String: iWriteSTNameRowNoFlag = GetshWriteNametextRow(shRead, strSearchNameTxt, ColNameIndexrST)
iWriteSTNameRowN0RecVal = Split(iWriteSTNameRowNoFlag, ";")
If UBound(iWriteSTNameRowN0RecVal) > 1 Then
MsgBox "Mulitple value found"
MsgBox "Total number of duplicate value is " & UBound(iWriteSTNameRowN0RecVal)
flgmultiRec = True
MsgBox "multiple value not found"
flgmultiRec = False
iWriteSTNameRowNo = iWriteSTNameRowN0RecVal(1)
End If
End Sub
Public Function fnGetColIndex(WST As Worksheet, strSearchCol)
Set findrng = WST.Range("1:1")
ColIndex = findrng.Find(strSearchCol, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole).Column
fnGetColIndex = ColIndex
End Function
Public Function GetshWriteNametextRow(WST As Worksheet, strSearchTxt, strColIndex)
GetshWriteNametextRow = 0
'code to find last used rows
shWritelRows = WST.Cells(Rows.Count, strColIndex).End(xlUp).Row
'code to give Range along with column index instead A1 kind of
'Range(A1) is same as Range(cells(1,1)
Set Rng1 = WST.Range(WST.Cells(1, strColIndex), WST.Cells(shWritelRows, strColIndex))
flgMoreMatchCnt = False
Dim matchIndexVal As String
rowval = 0
With ActiveSheet
Set Rng = .UsedRange.Find(strSearchTxt)
If Not Rng Is Nothing Then
firstAddress = Rng.Address
'c.Value = 5
Row = Rng.Row
MsgBox " Search value found at row " & Row
rowval = rowval & ";" & Row
Set Rng = .UsedRange.FindNext(Rng)
If Rng Is Nothing Then
GoTo DoneFinding
End If
Loop While Rng.Address <> firstAddress
End If
End With
GetshWriteNametextRow = rowval
End Function
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