Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Code Review Checklist

 Hi Folks,

Follow below code review checklist

Sr. No    Checklist Item   Category

1            Use Meaningful Names and camelcaseletters for variables and method names Readability

2            Add Proper Comments for your Code     Readabilty/Maintanance

3            Avoid Duplication of variables and methods        Reusability

4            Donot write in single line             Readability

5            Avoid creating unnecessary objects         Performance

6            Remove Unwanted Imports        Standards

7            Make sure the code formatting is applied            Standards

8            Make sure the code meets the functional requirements              Functionality

9            Check side effects on existing codes if any modification in script              Functionality

10          Make sure to do clean up for unwanted code      Standards

11          Limit the accessibility of packages,classesand methods only to necessary places             Accessiblity

12          Donot expose confidential Data in logs   Security

13          Make sure the exceptions are handled   Exceptions

14          Avoid excessive logs       Standards

15          Avoid Multiple If cases   Performance

16          Try using dynamnic waits (Avoid Thread sleeps) Performance

17          Avoid Hardcoded values in code Security

18          Free up space/Memory after use             Performance

19          Minimize the scope of local variables      Accessiblity

20          Exceptions should be Throwable              Exceptions

21          In every catch statement – call the UI reusable library function and catch block should not be empty              Reusability

22          Try to avoid use of mobile center in condition     Standards

23          use appropriate hard assert for the mandatory validation               Standards

24          Assertion should be use outside the try catch block and in case needed to use in try block than Catch(AssertionError e) should handle correctly             Standards

25          Xpath: There should not be any platform specific xpath hardcode in the code/pageclass        Standards

26          Xpath should not be directly written in methods .Write only in Page factory  Readabilty/Maintanance

27          Xpath- use only absolute xpaths Standards

28          xpath- do not use ID in xpaths    Standards

29          xpath- use dynemic index instead of hardcoding in xpath              Standards

30          There should be no test data pass through any of the property files              Security

31          Any test data input should be from Excel              Security

32          Nowhere Environment details should be hardcoded for any kind of validation           Security

33          Always use the 3/2 argument Assert statement for code readability point of view (expected/actual/description of validation)              Readability

34          Device type should handle via object repository only. Device type should not written in class files  Maintanence

35          All public method should be on top of the class and all private method should be below it          Readability

36          There is no hard of validation message in page classes, it should be in validation message file            Reusability

37          All feature file should have tag with particular UB number              Standards

38          Reporting- all the necessary validation should be part of reporting along with screenshots  Standards

39          Reporting- all the reporting verbage should be proper along with appended test data for validation for actual vs expected Standards

40          Reporting-Use reusable reporting function for screenshot, allure and extent reporting      Readability

41          Reporting- Keep only screenshot option to Yes, if needed else switch of the function    Performance

42          Reporting- Take screenshot of entire page at least once during the validation journey           Readability

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