Sunday, July 17, 2022

Automation Matrics and KPIs

 Hey Folks,

Below is useful information on automation matrics and KPIs

summary of the main differences between metrics and KPIs: 

  • KPIs measure performance based on key business goals while metrics measure performance or progress for specific business activities. 
  • KPIs are strategic while metrics are often operational or tactical.
  • Metrics are lower-level indicators specific to a department while KPIs can be tracked by various departments working towards the same goal. 
  • Metrics provide context to your business activities, KPIs allow for strategic decision-making.  

·       Every KPI is a metric, but not every metric is a KPI

Why Measure

  • Automation Effectiveness
  • Speed to Market:
  • You want to create a culture of accountability
  • Continuous Improvement:


Automation Matrix

            Automatable Test Cases ----% Automatable = (# of automatable tests / # of total tests) * 100

            Automation Script Effectiveness---Automation Script Effectiveness = (# of defects found by automation / # of defects opened) * 100

            Automation Pass Rate---Pass Rate % = (# of cases that passed / # of test cases executed) * 100

            Automation Execution Time----Execution Time = End Time – Start Time

            Automation Test Coverage---Automation Test Coverage % = (# of automation tests / # of total tests) * 100

            Automation Stability ---Automation Stability % = per test (# of failures / # of executions) * 100

            Build Stability---Build Stability % = (# of build failures / # of builds) * 100

            In-Sprint Automation---In-Sprint Automation % = (# of scripts created in-sprint / # of scripts created post-sprint) * 100

            Automation Progress---Automation Progress % = (# of automated tests / # of tests that are automatable) * 100

            Automation Pyramid---Automation Pyramid = (# of tests at each level / # of total tests) * 100


DevOps KPIs.

            Meantime to failure recovery - This is the average time taken to recover from a failure.

            Deployment frequency - The frequency in which the deployment occurs.

            Percentage of failed deployments - The number of times the deployment fails.




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