Saturday, April 10, 2021

Automation Anywhere Enterprise

 Automation Anywhere Enterprise

Automation Anywhere enterprise loaded with feature to automate most of the business process with smart automation technology.

It has 3 recorders, along with 575 drag or drop commands with centralized control.

  • object based smart recorder
  • screen recorder
  • dedicated recorder
It allows to define automation in below way
  1. Automate - any automate process
  2. Manage- centralized control, distribution and analysis
  3. Define - visually document any process with click of button

Automation Anywhere architect having hub with following 3 component

  1. control layer - centralized management
  2. bot creators - create, edit and execute bot as part of dev process. Bot creator is licensed for each type of bot and includes runtime, system for execution and testing. 
  3. bot runners- execute bots - control room controls or schedule and assign bot to the runtime client for the execution. Bot runner can only execute once register, identify and authenticated by control room. authenticated then run independent and asynchronously. All bot telemetry is cached locally and transmitted to control room
Bot creator and Bot runners are authorized control and managed by control room.

unique feature of Automation anywhere:
  1. auto calibration technology
  2. sense of AI Technology
  3. cognitive capability and analystics
  4. unique NLP, platform incorporate ML technique
  5. embeded analystics and system logs
  6. web based control room to queue, launch, manage, orchestrate and maintain any dashboard
  7. versioning system ensure control of automation
  8. centrally controlled license algorithm
  9. private key/public key infrastructure to secure your BOT
  10. stealth mode and keyboard disable, SSAML2.0 protocol
  11. AES and FIPS

1 comment:

  1. Build your future in Automation Anywhere with Softlogic institute. Visit our website for more info: Best Automation Anywhere Training Institute in Chennai
