Web services supported by POSTMAN:
Type of webservices
Installation of POSTMAN
Install as google plug in
Download as application
Use below URL for sample test rest API requests : https://reqres.in/
JSON beautifier is used to check the data format
Testing rest services using POSTMAN
Workspace: stores all collections
Collections: collections of requests
Test suits : contains tests or test cases
HTTP request Methods
Create a record- POST
Retrieve/verify data – GET
Update data – PUT
Delete data – DELETE
URL : domain + URI (also call as endpoints)
Steps to write
test cases
Get the request run and manually work
Understand/parse the request body
Write test
Working with get requests steps:
Take sample Get request with parameters
Go to tests section
Use the existing snippet as beginner
Write modern code use ES6 javascript code
Status code, json body value check
Working with post request steps
Let date=date.now() console.log(date)
Under pre-req set the prereq actions or steps
Set global variables
To use environment variable use double curly
brackets in request body ex. “currentdate”:{{currentDate}}
API Architecture
API calls Collection include mainly three things:
HTTP headers
HTTP Request
Status Code/ Response Code
Apart from this your application collection include many
things if it required to test in you application.
headers - HTTP headers are always
depended on your application, Mainly two:
Authorization - A token included with requests
to identify the requester. This header has to be included in all requests other
than the login request.
Content-Type - A standard MIME type describes
the format of object data.Content –type in most of the requests and responses
will be application/json.
2. HTTP Request -
There are mainly four request, which we used frequently: DATA =
POST - Create Or Update data
PUT - Update data
GET - Retrieve data
DELETE – Delete data
3. Status
Code/Response Code - There are many status/response code, from them we can
verify the response.
200 - OK, The request was successful.
201 - Created, The request was successful and
data was created.
204 - No Content, The response is empty.
400 - Bad Request, The request could not be
understood or was missing required parameters.
401 – Unauthorized, Authentication failed or
user does not have permissions for the requested operation.
403 - Forbidden, Access denied.
404 - Not Found, Data was not found.
405 - Method Not Allowed, Requested method is
not supported for the specified resource.
500 - Internal Server Error.
503 - Service Unavailable, The service is
temporary unavailable.
Postman tips
Postman console for debugging- if any error
occurred during test snippets, you can verify it using postman console window
Postman code generator- below save button, there
is link as Code
To generate delay between requests- on request
> Test tab – set Timeout(()=>{},10000) (10000 means 10 sec)
To skip the test in postman request- Go to Test
and lets say you have 5 validation out of which need to skip one, you need to
write pm.test.skip(“Testname”,function(){pm.expect(response.origin).to.eql(100);});
Conditional skip – const
islocal=pm.environment.get(‘environment’)==’local’; (islocal?pm.test.skip:
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