Hey Guys,
Steps to implement Allure reporting in selenium java framework.
Allure is
an open-source framework designed to create interactive and comprehensive test
Each time
when we run automation tests, we will have test results to view details about
no. of tests passed, failed and failure details etc. And few reports also
include test failure screenshots.
Allure report works
When we
run our tests, every popular test framework generates junit-style xml report
which will be used by Allure to generate HTML report. Allure
reports has provided adapters for Java, PHP, Ruby, Python, Scala and C# test
Steps to
Generate Allure Reports
Install and configuration
- Install Allure report command line application
- do this manually by downloading the latest version as a zip archive from bintray.
- Unpack the archive to allure-command line directory
- Navigate to bin directory
- Add allure to system PATH.
Implementation in code
- Create Maven project
- Add allure maven dependencies in pom.xml file and
also add AspectJ Weaver dependency along with allure.
- Create two test file in src/test/java folder and
append the allure features in it for writing reports
- Create Testng.xml file
- We can add environment details in allure report by
adding following
- Environment.properties
- Environment.xml
- We can categories the failed cases/defects using categories.json file
- append the features of allure report to code like @step, @feature etc
Run the code and generate the allure report
- Go to command prompt and in project directory and run the command
- Mvn clean test
- Or run the code through eclipse/intelij
- Go to command prompt and generate the allure report in temporary folder using command
- Allure serve <path of allure report> (Generate report in temporary folder)
- Allure generate <path of allure report> (Generate report in c:/user directory with allure folder)
- Allure open <path of allure report>
- Allure generate <path of allure report> --clean (will overwrite the existing report)
You can
find more information on Allure