Friday, November 29, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sales force Testing Concepts and basics

Hey Folks,

Couple of things on CRM.

CRM stands for customer relationship management that is basically software and refers to all tools, techniques, technologies, and strategies. CRM system assures that all customer interaction will execute smoothly and efficiently as a result of which the overall business profit will be increased.
The main and central purpose of the CRM system is to improve the business and client relationship by using smart tools so that an effective and successful strategy to communicate with customers can be developed. CRM system stores data centrally in a unified way to the users can easily access and manage the huge amount of important data efficiently.

CRM system is adopted by almost every big, medium and small sized organizations as it is found advantageous to them
·         Transparent and simplified work process
·         Advance report generation tools
·         Detailed reports and analytics on team’s performance
·         Security, scalability and mobile access of the CRM
·         Immediate access to all important customer information that can significantly speed up the workflow
·         The greater impact of improved CRM strategy via personalized marketing and target audience
CRM offers the following benefits to the organizations:
·         Improved customer relation
·         Increased and improved revenue
·         Maximized cross-selling and upselling
·         Better internal communications
·         Optimized marketing
Salesforce is a cloud-based technology
Technologies used by Salesforce 
·         Apex: Salesforce has its own programming language. So, to use Salesforce, you need to learn Apex programming language.
·         Visualforce: It is the owned front-end programming language for Salesforce. Visualforce is required to learn to work in the Salesforce platform.
·         Compiler: Salesforce has its own compiler to execute Apex programming language or Visualforce pages.
Different Type of Salesforce CRM Cloud
  1. Sales Cloud
    • Sales Cloud is a part of, which is centered on improving the adequacy of the business group of an association and henceforth builds the amount of sales. It is one of the different sales techniques as it provides both the account information of the client and the data accumulated from the social stages about the product and client. This helps in passing judgment on the capability of a prospective customer and bringing the deals faster.
    • Key features of Sales Cloud:-
      • Contact management
      • Opportunity management
      • Personalized campaigns
      • Leads management
      • Reports and Dashboards
      • Sales forecasting
      • Workflow and approvals
      • Territory models management
      • File sync and sharing
      • Sales performance management
    • Management of onboarding, training and supporting sales partners
  2. Marketing Cloud
    • This platform of Salesforce is specifically for the marketers that allow them to create and manage marketing relationships and campaigns with customers
  3. Service Cloud
    • This platform of Salesforce is centered around offering help and help to the clients. These aides in holding the clients, expanding their fulfillment, and reliability
    • Key features of Service Cloud:-
      • A customized console for services
      • A knowledge based system
      • Social customer service
      • Live chat service
      • Device-friendly platform
      • Service cloud communities
  4. Community Cloud
    • There are certain organizations that require the application availability at one set of cloud servers. So, the company which is allowing multiple servers will not provide a particular server in the cloud. But they will allow multiple customers to connect to the cloud and segment their sessions. In this, the customer will use the same hardware the other customers are using. It simply means that servers are using the same application, which makes it a community cloud
  5. Commerce Cloud
  6. Analytics Cloud
    • Salesforce Analytics Cloud is a solid and secure cloud-based analytics platform which is created to help medium-sized organizations to huge organizations to execute quick and iterative investigation of information. With its results showed using layers of dynamic perception over hidden informational indexes
  7. App Cloud
    • Salesforce App Cloud is a gathering of development tools that enable developers to rapidly make applications that will keep running on the Salesforce platform
    • Following are the tools utilized by Salesforce App cloud:-
      • AppExchange
      • com
      • Heroku
      • Salesforce Lightning
      • Salesforce lightning components
      • Salesforce lightning process builder
      • Salesforce lightning connect
      • Salesforce lightning schema builder
      • Salesforce lightning thunder
      • Salesforce lightning shield
      • Salesforce trailhead


Robotics Process Automation with Tosca

Hi All,

Few good notes on RPA front, which  come across during the RPA training. Reference taken from Tricientis training notes.

what is the difference between robotic process automation and test automation? Why do we need a dedicated tool for each task?
Both test automation and robotic process automation share one common goal: automating manual activities.
Conceptually, these two similar processes both demand fast releases, time and cost efficiency, correctness, quality assurance, reduced human intervention and, of course, automation

Test automation is about automating tests done by a team of manual testers.
Consider a test case in test automation. It is normally a very linear, step by step activity. Why? Because the goal of a test is that you verify certain business requirements or acceptance criteria. You do this by entering defined data into your system under test.

For example, say you want to test the login procedure of your application, or see whether age or city criteria work. You enter John Doe living in New York, aged 37 into your application because this allows you to verify exactly those aspects in your application. The goal of test automation is to see where the application fails and to make informed decisions about whether an application is too risky to release. That I s why tests are very linear. 

RPA, on the other hand, is about automating manual activities done by business users on a day-to-day basis, activities that can be quite repetitive or administrative in nature.
RPA focuses on automating processes typically found in HR, accounting, finance, back office operations such as processing invoices, transactions, calculations, evaluations etc.
RPA also works on live business data found in these types of production environments.

With RPA, the approach is quite different as you are automating work flows with business rules. These business rules are based on different data variants that you encounter in real life.

Consider a typical example: processing invoices for your company. So, let’s say that 60 to 70 percent of your invoices are always processed or treated in the same way. However, you will surely encounter a situation where you have special agreements with a company, where you are required to enter the data slightly different. In fact, many of your customer companies can request different data requirements when processing the invoices – we call these data variants. This is how RPA works. With the RPA process, you can automate 80 to 90 percent of your invoices however, you may also come up with 20, 30, 50 different variants on how to enter the data. All of these variants or business rules depend on how you input the data. 
This means RPA’s focus is on implementing business rules and therefore needs a clear and better visualization of those rules.

RPA Studio

RPA Studio doesn’t have separate sections for different object types. Everything is part of the RPA Folder
Ribbon menu having all the basic functionalities are located
Project tree – having  all the objects in your workspace, such as folders, Bots and Modules
Flowchart, which is a sequence of actions that you want your Bot to perform
Details view which contains the data and instructions to steer the Bot
Configuration view, the Configuration Parameters can be placed here
To run the Bot. We can click on the Run Bot button in the Ribbon or the Start button on the flowchart. If the Bot is executed successfully, all the Steps will be shown as green. Click on a Step to see the specific result
business process
business process relies on a clear understanding of the business rules. If you don’t define the business rules and the decisions you have to make from the user perspective, you won’t be successful in implementing the business process. Implementing a Test Case on the other hand, relies on the requirements and acceptance criteria. Bots rely on processes and the rules behind it. This phase of design is therefore very important you should get it right. Always check with your business expert if that what you have designed is what the user would do if he or she would perform the process manually
the term Bot to describe the sequence of actions that you want to perform. We call these actionsSteps and they are part of the Flowchart.
In the RPA Studio, you can switch between two modes: the Design mode and the Results mode.

two types of Modules:
1) Modules you create by scanning your application
2) Modules provided in the RPA subset (Standard Modules and Demo App Modules)
create a separate Bot for each of these common processes. Bot-in-a-Bot. If you know that you will have to perform the same set of Steps in multiple Bots, create a separate Bot for this set of Steps. This will save time from having to recreate the steps from scratch and also reduce complexity.
Moreover, this makes maintenance easier if that particular process changes. You only have to change that one Bot. Please note that unlike using references in Tricentis Tosca, the changes cannot be resolved for Bots. Therefore, any change you make to a referenced Bot will also made in all the Bots that use it.

In RPA, we can use clean-up procedures to increase the stability and resilience of ours Bots. Note that clean-ups do not fix the error. However, clean-up procedures reset the environment so that the next Bot can navigate the automation process. Clean-ups consist of the Steps that you define

only use one Exception Handler per Bot at a time.When you add an Exception Handler, RPA Studio automatically adds the Configuration Parameters to your Bot.

The first type, an OnDialogFailure triggers a clean-up due to failed interactions with your application. For instance, your Bot cannot find a particular menu or a link in the application in question.
The second type, OnExceptionFailure, relates to a clean-up due to unforeseen environment issues that can happen, such as your website or server being down, which stops your Bot from running the Steps.
Finally, there is OnVerificationFailure, which triggers a clean-up in case of unexpected content in your application or other tools. For instance, if a cell in your data source contains a different value than expected, or is simply missing or false, this will lead to a verification failure.

In exception handler, two layers are there. Folder and inner bell icon. On bell icon there will be property call “AfterHandling”. , which can be set as “StopBot” or “RestartBot”.
As the name suggests, after the Bot encounters a failure and runs the Steps defined in the Exception Handler, “StopBot” will stop the Bot entirely.

Refer my Antwak profile on RPA: 


Friday, October 18, 2019

ALM analysis view customise excel reporting

Hey Folks,

Automation reporting through ALM for daily reporting, measures can be automated in ALM only by follow below process.

  • Log into ALM using your username and password
  • From the menu on the left hand side of theALM user interface click on the Dashboard dropdown Or  Press Ctrl + Shift + V
  • Click on Analysis View
  • On the public/private folder click on the drop down
  • Click on ‘Plus’ icon and click on create excel report, give appropriate report name.
  • Click on right hand side of “Details” and fill the appropriate data for which purpose you are creating report
  • Click on right hand side of “Configuration” and go to “Query”
  • Write any appropriate query using query builder (Shows at right side list of tables ofALM) ,test and run the query  which require for reporting for example, select * from defect where defected=’1’
  • If we want to run multiple queries for the reports, we can add it on the same excel report. However, when we generate the reports result data shows in different sheet of excel file
  • Click on Generate at the top of the page
  • You will now be presented with the Save Report Screen. Give your File a name. Choose the place where you would like to save your report to, in the example shown the report will be saved to the Desktop. Click on Save
  • Your report will now begin to generate this will take between 1-3 mins depending on the amount of test cases you have.
  • Once generated you will get a completion message like this one but with the file name you have given it
  • Click on “Post processing”, where you can write the post processing actions like macro for some format, formula etc
  • User can give fix path of generate report using “Generation Setting”

Paste Shape using Excel Macro

Hi All,

Sometimes need to paste couple of shapes or logo or image to other sheet using macro to another file or sheet, use below code.

Function fnpaintLogo(strSheetName,strCellNumtoPaste)
  'Sheets("Estimate Response Form").Select
  ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "C:\Users\trupti.jethva\Documentsmacros\newlogo.png"
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    ' Set to the range of cells you want to change to pictures
    Set Rng = ActiveSheet.Range("L1")
    For Each cell In Rng
        Filename = cell
        ' Use Shapes instead so that we can force it to save with the document
        Set theShape =ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture( _
            Filename:=Filename, linktofile:=msoFalse, _
            savewithdocument:=msoCTrue, _
            Left:=cell.Left, Top:=cell.Top, Width:=950, Height:=950)
        If theShape Is Nothing Then GoTo isnill
        With theShape
             .Name = "Logo"
            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
            ' Shape position and sizes stuck to cell shape
            .Top = cell.Top + 50
            .Left = cell.Left + 50
            .Height = cell.Height + 50
            .Width = cell.Width + 50
            ' Move with the cell (and size, though that is likely buggy)
            .Placement = xlMoveAndSize
        End With
        ' Get rid of the
        Set theShape = Nothing

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

    Debug.Print "Done " & Now

    ActiveSheet.Shapes("Logo").PictureFormat.Brightness = 1
    Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementTop 9
   ' Range("L2").Clear
End Function

Spell Check functionality using Macro

Hi folks

In excel file many times people enter wrong data on some template and need to check the spell. We can add macro button and add the below code.

can do that by adding Macro button on it and add the below code.

Sub SpellCheck_Click()
    Dim WorkRange As Range
    Dim FoundCells As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Set WorkRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    For Each cell In WorkRange
        If cell.Locked = False Then
            If FoundCells Is Nothing Then
                Set FoundCells = cell
                Set FoundCells = Union(FoundCells, cell)
            End If
        End If
    Next cell
    If FoundCells Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "All cells are locked."
        FoundCells.CheckSpellingCustomDictionary:="CUSTOM.DIC", _
IgnoreUppercase:=False, AlwaysSuggest:=True, SpellLang:=3081
    End If

End Sub

Friday, January 25, 2019

Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration 

Continuous Integration (CI) is the process of automating the build and testing of code every time a team member commits changes to version control. ... CI emerged as a best practice because software developers often work in isolation, and then they need to integrate their changes with the rest of the team's code base.

CI is devops software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes in central repository after which automated builds and tests are run.


Advantage of CI
improve quality
early bug finding
reduce time to validate n release app updates
fast feedback on changes


Tools used for CI

TFS, Jenkin, Azure


Team Foundation Server aka TFS is a Microsoft product which is serves as a SCM tool like Git. It also has features like reporting, project management, automated builds, testing and release management capabilities. It covers entire lifecycle, and enables DevOps capabilities. TFS can be used with numerous IDE including Visual Studio and Eclipse on all platforms.

It also provides the features of implementing both CI and CD. It has the feature of Build Management which includes build process management and automating build triggering. It supports good number of automated build triggers such as scheduled build, Continuous Integration trigger, trigger, etc


Bamboo is a continuous integration (CI) server that can be used to automate the release management for a software application, creating a continuous delivery pipeline.

Jenkins is an open source automation tool written in Java with plugins built for Continuous Integration purpose. Jenkins is used to build and test your software projects continuously making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build

Team City

TeamCity is a Java-based build management and continuous integration server from JetBrains. It was first released on October 2, 2006.TeamCity is commercial software and licensed under a proprietary license. A Freemium license for up to 100 build configurations and 3 free Build Agent licenses is available.

Difference between Jenkins and TeamCity

Both Jenkins and TeamCity are continuous integration tools that serve many of the same purposes. Jenkins is an open source tool, while TeamCity is a proprietary offering from JetBrains.

The big difference between Bamboo vs Jenkins is that Jenkins is Open Source – it's free. Integration with JIRA and Bitbucket is limited. ... There are only 100 Bamboo plug-ins in the Atlassian environment compared to Jenkins which has over 1000.

note:  All references taken from google.  

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Open source Tools

selenium (ref taken wikipedia)

Selenium is a portable framework for testingweb applications. Selenium provides a playback (formerly also recording) tool for authoring functional tests without the need to learn a test scripting language (Selenium IDE). It also provides a test domain-specific language (Selenese) to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including C#GroovyJavaPerlPHPPythonRuby and Scala. The tests can then run against most modern web browsers. Selenium deploys on WindowsLinux, and macOS platforms. It is open-source software, released under the Apache 2.0 license: web developers can download and use it without charge.

Jenkins ( reference by Google)
Jenkins is an open source automationtool written in Java with plugins built for Continuous Integration purpose.Jenkins is used to build and test your software projects continuously making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project, and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build

Maven (reference google)
Apache Maven provides support for managing the full lifecycle of a test project. Maven is used to define project structure, dependencies, build, and test management. Using pom.xml(Maven) you can configure dependencies needed for building testing and running code

JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a family of unit testing frameworks which is collectively known as xUnit that originated with SUnit

TestNG is a testing framework inspired from JUnit and NUnit but introducing some new functionalities that make it more powerful and easier to use, such as: Annotations. Run your tests in arbitrarily big thread pools with various policies available (all methods in their own thread, one thread per test class, etc...).TestNG is an open source automated testing framework; where NG means NextGeneration.