Saturday, September 12, 2015

Test Metrics


Couple of Test Matrics formulas.

Formulae :
Test Coverage (%) = (No. of Test Cases Executed / No. of Test Cases Planned) * 100
Test Case Effectiveness (%) = (1 - (No. of Inadeqaute Test Cases Detected / Actual No. of Test Cases)) * 100
Quality of Testing (%) = (No. of Defects Accepted / No. of Defects Reported) * 100
Automation Suite Test Coverage (%) = (No. of Test Cases Automated / Total No. of Test Cases) * 100
Environmental Availability (%) = (1 - (Total Down Time / Total Cycle Time)) * 100


Saturday, April 18, 2015

About Capital Market

Financial markets can be categorized into two types. 1.Money markets 2.Capital markets Money markets are the markets through which governments or corporates raise money to meet their short term money requirements (like meeting their working capital requirements). The government, through money markets can raise money for very short periods like 15 days also. Capital markets are the markets through which corporate bodies raise money for their long term needs Capital markets can again be categorise as 1.primary markets 2.Secondary markets