Sunday, November 6, 2011

Smart Identification in QTP

Smart Identification is nothing but if any property of test object is not matching with run time object property it will write warning to result and execute rest of the steps.
Smart Identification is used by QTP whenever it is unable to identify any object during run time. While identifying an object QTP tries to match the mandatory properties first if it couldn't find the object then it adds assistive properties one by one to identify the object correctly. This operation is done by smart identifier and it is displayed in the results section along with one warning message. It's generally used to identify Web elements only.

Difference between Action & Function, Analog Recording & Low level Recording,Mandatory & Assistive properties in QTP

Difference between Action and Function
Functions give only one output value 
Action gives more output values but functions are very consistency than actions

Difference between Analog Recording and Low level Recording
Analog recording is done when context recording is failed (when recording includes diagrams, or signature which are non-standard objects).In case of low-level recording we can it can record both standard and non-standard objects
Analog recording is done when we have to capture the Exact movement of mouse or it is required to test a page with respect to the full screen low level recording is usually carried out when qtp does notrecognise the object

Difference between Mandatorily properties and Assistive properties
Mandatory properties identify the objects in at a time same like working in assistive properties one main difference is mandatory properties is stored the data in object repository with showing the property list and values, but assistive property stored the data in secret place.

Difference between Wait and Synchronization in QTP

Hey folks,
Common difference between Wait and Synchronization, I try to describe here. If any more you found  add in comment, so I can also learn something new.
Wait (20)
Wait statements instruct QuickTest to wait a specified amount of time before proceeding to the next step.
At same place if you’re giving synchronization point and mention 20 seconds to wait and that wait is not mandatory. Whenever the given condition becomes true below 20 seconds
then QTP immediately goes to the next step without wait for 20 seconds.
'Writing own synchronization Point
For Time=1 to Timeout
       Propval=window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Delete Order").GetROProperty("enabled")
          If Propval=true Then
                   Exit for
          End If
Sync method is only available for Web.