Scripting Language
A scripting language is a particular syntax used to execute commands on a computer. A program composed of commands from a particular scripting language is referred to as script.
Difference between Client Side Scripting & Server Side scripting
Client side Scripting
- Client side scripting is programmatic code in an HTML file that runs on the browser.
- Client side scripting is commonly written using java script language.
- A client side script is not processed at all by the web server, only by the client. It is the client’s responsibility to execute any and all client side scripts.
Server Side Scripting
- Server side scripts are scripts that execute on the web server. These scripts are processed and their output is sent to the client.
- The client does not receive any code from server side scripts; rather the client receives just the output of the server side scripts. Client side scripts and server side scripts cannot interact with one another because the client side scripts are executed on the client after the server side scripts have finished processing completely.
- Vbscript is example of server side script
Difference between Java script and VB Script
Javascript -
- It is client side scripting language, developed by Netscape.
- It is case sensitive.
- File extension is .js.
VBscript -
- It is both Client and server side scripting language,developed by Microsoft.
- It is not case sensitive.
- File extension is .vbs and .vba.