Monday, December 5, 2011

Document List aware and should created by Manual Tester


This time, I bring some document list which is used by manual tester. Not only used by, but Tester should aware about it and also know how to create it.

1. SRS and FS
2. Test Policy
3. Test Strategy
4. Test Responsibility Matrix
5. Test Methodology
6. Test Plan
7. Test Case
8. Test data
9. Traceability Matrix 
10. Test Execution Report
11. Defect Report
12. Test Summary
13. Release Note

Hope, I am not missing anything. If missed, then comment me, so i can also be aware and know.


Difference Between Test Strategy and Test Plan


Here, would like to add some Difference between Test Strategy and Test Plan.

1. Test strategy defines "what is our approach to test that product/Project" where as the test plan defines "what to test, how to test when to test and who to test".
2. Test strategy is a company level document where as test plan is a project level document.

Hope, this will help you.

Level of Regression Testing in Test Process

Hey folks,

There are 3 types of regression
1) Unit regression: nothing but retesting ie testing to make sure that bug is properly fixed or not / new enhanced feature is working according to the specification.
2)Regional Regression : Unit regression + testing the impact area to make sure that bug fixation or new feature not affecting the unchanged module.90% of the case industry prefers this regression.
3)Full Regression : when it is difficult to identify the impact area after the bug fixation or after adding the new feature ,instead of wasting time in identifying the impact area they will go with full regression.

Hope, this will helpful to you.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Smart Identification in QTP

Smart Identification is nothing but if any property of test object is not matching with run time object property it will write warning to result and execute rest of the steps.
Smart Identification is used by QTP whenever it is unable to identify any object during run time. While identifying an object QTP tries to match the mandatory properties first if it couldn't find the object then it adds assistive properties one by one to identify the object correctly. This operation is done by smart identifier and it is displayed in the results section along with one warning message. It's generally used to identify Web elements only.

Difference between Action & Function, Analog Recording & Low level Recording,Mandatory & Assistive properties in QTP

Difference between Action and Function
Functions give only one output value 
Action gives more output values but functions are very consistency than actions

Difference between Analog Recording and Low level Recording
Analog recording is done when context recording is failed (when recording includes diagrams, or signature which are non-standard objects).In case of low-level recording we can it can record both standard and non-standard objects
Analog recording is done when we have to capture the Exact movement of mouse or it is required to test a page with respect to the full screen low level recording is usually carried out when qtp does notrecognise the object

Difference between Mandatorily properties and Assistive properties
Mandatory properties identify the objects in at a time same like working in assistive properties one main difference is mandatory properties is stored the data in object repository with showing the property list and values, but assistive property stored the data in secret place.

Difference between Wait and Synchronization in QTP

Hey folks,
Common difference between Wait and Synchronization, I try to describe here. If any more you found  add in comment, so I can also learn something new.
Wait (20)
Wait statements instruct QuickTest to wait a specified amount of time before proceeding to the next step.
At same place if you’re giving synchronization point and mention 20 seconds to wait and that wait is not mandatory. Whenever the given condition becomes true below 20 seconds
then QTP immediately goes to the next step without wait for 20 seconds.
'Writing own synchronization Point
For Time=1 to Timeout
       Propval=window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Delete Order").GetROProperty("enabled")
          If Propval=true Then
                   Exit for
          End If
Sync method is only available for Web.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

How to find in which row or column,string "Textword" exist in excel sheet

Set ObjExcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set Obj=ObjExcel.Sheets.Item(1)
For i=1 to rowcount
  For j=1 to colcount
          If StrComp(Aval,"Textword")=0 then
                 MsgBox "Location Is : ("&i&","&j&")"
                 Exit For
                 Exit For          
          End If

Monday, September 26, 2011

Security Testing - Test for Buffer Overflows

Test for Buffer Overflows

One of the first security bugs exploited in computer history was a buffer overflow. Buffer overflows continue to be one of the most dangerous and most commonly occurring weaknesses. Attempts to exploit this type of vulnerability can result in problems ranging from crashing the application to an attacker inserting and executing malignant code in the application process.
When writing data to buffers, it is imperative that developers not write more to the buffer than it can possibly hold. If the amount of data being written exceeds the buffer space that has been allocated, a buffer overflow occurs. When a buffer overflow occurs, data is written into parts of memory that may be allocated for other purposes. A worst-case scenario is when the buffer overflow contains malicious code that is then executed. Buffer overflows account for a large percentage of security vulnerabilities.

How to write Status Report

Hey folks,

Status report can be Daily status report, Weekly status report or Monthly status report.  It depends how you make it and for which type of model you are preparing it. It differ from Agile to waterfall and prototype model.

It can be include
  • Current Status v. Plan (Ahead/Behind/On Schedule)
  • Progress of tasks planned for previous week
  • Tasks planned for next week including tasks carried from previous week
  • Error Statistics from Error Measurement system
  • Issues/Risks
  • Test case count information, if any.
  • Any observation or blockage  
  • File format name should be proper and consist
  • Give Attachment reference like what you are attached with mail like traceability metrics, test cases, test scenarios, query document etc along with module name.
  • Give build and Environment detail information on which you test the functionality as discussed on call or mail information
  • Give defect validation reference
    • a. Defect# - open/Close/Reopen/Fail
  • Give Query information proper for new ITGs requirement, During testing found any difficulty
  • If multiple module's execution came at a time, then heading ITG name in proper way along with below details.
    • Give Functional Observation
    • Give Regression Observation
  • Give Ad hoc testing scenarios as reference, if any
  • Give summary of execution if any like Block Test cases # along with count and proper detail with reason (Defect#,environment issue etc)
  • Active defect summary for the module
  • Give notes information, like any reminder, holidays, leaves etc.
  • Attach all the required document
  • Check for spell and grammar.

Monday, August 29, 2011

20 Essential Addons for Fire fox

Hey guys,

If you are using fire fox as your testing browser, then you must have these 20 essential firefox addons.I found this article, once I wondering for some information. Hope you will also like it.


QTP: Working with Web Table

Hey folks,

Please find below code for working with Web table to get row count,  column count and fetch records from the web table.
Systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe",URL
Set CurrObj=Browser("name:="&browsernm).Page("title:="&Pagenm)
CurrObj.WebEdit("name:=q","html tag:=input").Set "Web table in qtp"
CurrObj.WebButton("name:=Google Search").Click

'to find the row count from web table
msgbox wtblrowcnt

'To find the column count from web table
wtblcolcnt=CurrObj.WebTable("name:=nav_logo14").columncount(1) 'column count argument is row number
msgbox wtblcolcnt

'To fetch the data from particular cell
celldata= CurrObj.WebTable("name:=nav_logo14").getcelldata(1,1)
msgbox celldata

'Get the row number for defined text
RowNumber = Browser("").Page("").WebTable("").GetRowWithCellText("Trupti")

'CellText works as same as GetCellData method

'CellTextbyContext returns the text within a cell delimited by a character. We can retrieve the text before '(or) after the delimiter using this method.
 ' Consider a cell having the text “Jethva;Trupti”. Here “;’ is the delimiter

'TextCellExist method checks whether a text exists in a cell or not. It returns true, if the input text exists 'in the cell, else it returns false. Rather than using GetCellData method and then comparing the result with 'the input text, we can achieve it using this simple method.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Excel Cell's format change to "Text" using QTP


Hope this will help you for changing cell's format to "Text" using QTP. In excel we can do it using right click on cell and change the format of general to text. Same thing using QTP, we can do it as follows.

objXL.Columns(x).ColumnWidth = 20

objXL.ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").NumberFormat = "@"

Replace “A:A” with your


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Retrive value from NotePad using QTP

Hey folks,

I tried to write function for retrive value from notepad and get particular data from it.
Precondition: Notepad line format should be same with some pattern like comma sepearted.

call opennotepad()
public function opennotepad()
Dim objFSO, fileName, objFile, strContents, str, position

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fileName = "D:\Trupti \folder\Automation\filename.txt"
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fileName,1,true)
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"File open","File open successfully"
strContents1 = objFile.ReadLine
For I = 0 to 13 '13 is line count, we can write variable if it dynemic

strContents = objFile.ReadLine
Call StoringValues(strContents)

Set objFile = nothing
Set objFSO = nothing
End Function

Public Function StoringValues(strContents)
locfield1=mid(strContents,2,22) ' in mid function-strcontent is string, 2 is start value, and 22 is upto 22 length of char data will retrive

Saturday, June 11, 2011

About Scripts

Scripting Language
A scripting language is a particular syntax used to execute commands on a computer. A program composed of commands from a particular scripting language is referred to as script.

Difference between Client Side Scripting & Server Side scripting
Client side Scripting
  1. Client side scripting is programmatic code in an HTML file that runs on the browser.
  2. Client side scripting is commonly written using java script language.
  3. A client side script is not processed at all by the web server, only by the client. It is the client’s responsibility to execute any and all client side scripts.
Server Side Scripting
  1. Server side scripts are scripts that execute on the web server. These scripts are processed and their output is sent to the client.
  2. The client does not receive any code from server side scripts; rather the client receives just the output of the server side scripts. Client side scripts and server side scripts cannot interact with one another because the client side scripts are executed on the client after the server side scripts have finished processing completely.
  3. Vbscript is example of server side script
Difference between Java script and VB Script
Javascript -
  1. It is client side scripting language, developed by Netscape.
  2. It is case sensitive.
  3. File extension is .js.

VBscript -
  1. It is both Client and server side scripting language,developed by Microsoft.
  2. It is not case sensitive.
  3. File extension is .vbs and .vba.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

QTP-File Extensions

Hi Folks,

Following are type of file extensions used in QTP.
  1. function library files = .vbs, .qfl and .txt
  2. local object repository file = .mtr
  3. shared object repository file = .tsr
  4. recovery scenory file = .qrs
  5. Default.cfg :- "Microsoft Office Outlook Configuration File"
  6. Default.xls :- "This is the copy of the internal datatable which is there by default. 1 sheet is Global, other sheets are as per the Action names"
  7. Login.usr :- "It is a kind of default constant file where all the inbuilt vaialbles are assigned some values or otherwise"
  8. Script.mts :- "This is just the scripts as per each action. Whatever you write in each action will be saved here"
  9. thick_usr.dat :- "It is a kind of default constant file where all the inbuilt vaialbles are assigned some values or otherwise"
  10. thin_usr.dat :- "It is a kind of default constant file where all the inbuilt vaialbles are assigned some values or otherwise. It consists of less no. is variables than thick_usr.dat"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

QTP-How to use Parameter using QC

How to use Parameter in QTP

To use parameter in QTP, first we need to declare it in QC under parameter tab. If you want to define Input parameter then, you have to define it in input section. If you want to define output parameter then you have to define it in output section. Parameter name should be same in QC and QTP script.

  1. Create first component
  2. Define input and output parameter in QC
  3. Declare parameter value in QTP script
  4. Assign value for input parameter in QTP, example parameter(“SearchStr”)=”string for search value”
  5. Use the input parameter in control
  6. Use run time value and assign it to output parameter for use in QTP, example parameter(“outurl”)=””
  7. Now, make second component
  8. Use first component’s output parameter as input value in second parameter.
  9. Follow same steps as mentioned in first component.
  10. Now to run the QC and use parameter create test case in test plan module.
  11. Pull the first and second component in test case.
  12. Give input value in first component for run.
  13. Check use output value of previous component checkbox in second component.
  14. Integrate test case with test lab.
  15. Run the test case from QC.
  16. It will take input search string from first component and output value of first component is used as input of second component and execute whole test combine.
 Sample script1

Dim browsernm,pagenm
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe",URL
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"IEopen","Google open"

‘code for debug and error handling purpose
On Error Resume Next
Dim testset, n
Set testset = QCUtil.CurrentTestSet
n =
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If

'Debug Declaration

If n = "" Then
Parameter("Searchstr")="Parameter Test in QTP"
End If
Set Currobj=Browser("title:="&browsernm,"CreationTime:=0").Page("title:="&pagenm)

If parameter("Searchstr")<>"" Then
If Currobj.WebEdit("name:=q").exist Then
Currobj.WebEdit("name:=q").Set Parameter("Searchstr")
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"searchvalue","search value set successfully"

reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"linkvalue","Link value set properly"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "searchvalue","search value not set successfully"
End If
End If

Sample Script2

Dim browsernm,pagenm
On Error Resume Next
Dim testset, n
Set testset = QCUtil.CurrentTestSet
n =
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
End If

'Debug Declaration
If n = "" Then
end if

If parameter("InURL")<>"" Then
SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe",Parameter("InURL") reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"IEopen","Google open"
End If

QTP-Parameter Types

What is Parameter and Types of Parameters in QTP?

Parameters facilitate re-usability of an Action or a Test. By using parameters, you can record a test once and use it several times. Parameters enable you to run multiple sets of data.

Note: An input Parameter is a placeholder for a value that is passed to the test during the test run.

Parameter Types: By default, a test runs once for the recorded values. To run a test for multiple values,parametrize the test. The types of parameters in QuickTest are:

1. Input parameter: Enables you to run a test using different sets of input values.

For example, you can use input parameter to select different destinations for the same source in the Flight Reservation Application .

2. Output parameter : Enables you to use output to capture values from the application at run-time. You can get a value from the application and store it in the QuickTest test Results. You can later use this value as an input to a variable.

3. Random Number parameter: A system-generated number that is generated during a test run.

4. Environment parameter : A variable that describes a software or hardware object in the application under test environment. Examples are operating system version or Local host name.

Monday, May 16, 2011

SQL Queries

SQL Queries

Query for find n th highest salary

SELECT TOP 1 salary
FROM dbo.empsalary
ORDER BY salary DESC) a
ORDER BY salary

To find the size of database


Create table from existing table

CREATE TABLE tblname (colnm) AS SELECT colnm FROM existingtblname

Precondition: table should already exist in select clause, number of column should be same and data type should be same.

To copy only structure of table not data

CREATE TABLE tblname AS SELECT *FROM existingtblnm WHERE (any false condition)
Example: Create table tblname as select * from existingtblnm where 1=2

To insert record into table from existing table

Precondition: both the table exist and data type must same

Rename table

RENAME oldtblnm TO newtblnm

Drop table

DROP tablenm

To identify how many tables are there


To see the fields of table

DESC tablename


In build table in oracle, only 1 row and 1 column,for getting output on screen of operations or system date
Example: select 2*2 from dual, select sysdate from dual

For viewing tables, views, SP,function from database

SELECT name,xtype FROM sysobjects WHERE xtype in (‘u’,’v’,’p’,’fn’) AND name NOT LIKE ‘dt%’ ORDER BY xtype

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Testing Cheat sheet & Tips

Hi Friends,

Please find below some tips on Testing with cheat sheet.

Test Heuristics Cheat Sheet by Elisabeth Hendrickson - This is one of the best cheat sheat that you could find for testing. 

Heuristic Test Strategy Model by James Bach - Again, a must read.

Heuristic Risk-Based Testing by James Bach - A must read for all testers.


Test your application in Different Browser

Hey Readers,

Many times you have to test your website look and feel in different browser with different version having different OS. Right? So, what are you doing? Here, I have come across very good link, which can help you in your work.

This site can give you different appearance of your web page in different browswer and you can test it. Hope this will help you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

QTP-Database connection example

Hey folks,

I would like to give example of how database connection works in QTP. Following example takes DNS name as parameter and open ADODB connection with database. It fetch value from tables and compare it with UI elements. Hope this will helpful to you.
Following are the steps for the same with below example.
1. Either through parameter/varaible give DSN name.
2. Create adodb.connection object
3. create execonnection object
4. create recordset adobd.recordset
5. check connection state
if execonn.state=1 then
6. write query
sqlquery=select * from table
7. execute query by set dbresultset=execonn.execute(sqlquery)
8. read data from UI and store in variable or take data in variable.
if webtable used then use getcelldata(1,2) like method
9. Read dbresult till EOF n store value in DBtemp variable.
using DBResult.Fields.Item(query col name)
10. compare variable and dbvar and verify result.


'parameter name for database connection

'code for connecting database
Systemdatasourcenm=Parameter("DNS_Name") 'give DSN name

Set ExtConn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'create connection object for database

With ExtConn
End with

'create recordset object

Set DBResult=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'check for the connection state

If ExtConn.State=1 Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"DBConn","DB connect successfully"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"DBConn","DB Connection fail"
End If

'write query for fetching record and store the query in variable

SQLQuery="SELECT col1, col2, col3, convert(varchar(10),col4,101) As Submitted FROM table1 WHERE col1='04162BM00001'"

'set result set value by executing query with using connection object

Set DBResult=ExtConn.Execute(SQLQuery)

'go to first record in database


'do looping till the end of file to get results

While Not DBResult.EOF
DB_ClaimID=Trim(DBResult.Fields.Item("col1")) ' col1
msgbox DB_col1
DB_ClaimStatus=DBResult.Fields.Item("col3") ' col3
msgbox DB_col2
DB_Submitted=DBResult.Fields.Item("Submitted") ' col4
msgbox DB_col3
DB_ClaimType=Trim(DBResult.Fields.Item("col2")) ' col2
msgbox DB_col4

Dim date1,id,STS,cltype

'compare two values of records

If ucase(id)= ucase(DB_ClaimID) Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"id ","id same"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"id ","id not same"
End If

If STS= DB_ClaimStatus Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"STS "," STS same"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"STS","STS not same"
End If

If cltype= DB_ClaimType Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"cltype ","cltype same"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"cltype","cltype not same"
End If

If date1= DB_Submitted Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass," date1"," date1 same"
reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"date1",date1 not same"
End If

'close database connection

Set DbResult2 = Nothing
Set ExtConn = Nothing

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

QTP-Working with Export data to Excel from dropdown using Excel object

Hi Readers,

I have try to write code for getting data from dropdown and split it and enter it in excel sheet using Excel Application object without using data table.In this example, Book2.xls should be already created in c: drive.Browser name and page name should be according to your test site. Weblist name proeprty should be according to your test page. Capture it using Object Spy on you page.

Hope this will helpful to you.

Systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe",URL
Set CurrObj=Browser("name:="&browsernm).Page("title:="&Pagenm)

Dim typeitem
typeitem=CurrObj.WebList("name:=Type").GetROProperty("items count") ' count number of items in dropdown
msgbox typeitem

Dim oexcel
Dim obook
Dim osheet
Set oexcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set obook=oexcel.Workbooks.Add
Set osheet=obook.Worksheets(1)
For i=1 to typeitem
obook.SaveAs(sSampleFolder & sSampleFile )
Set osheet = Nothing
Set obook = Nothing
Set oexcel = Nothing

QTP-Import Data from Excel using Excel Object in QTP without using datatable

Hi Folks,

I try to write article on how to use Import Excel Data using QTP with Excel object.(Without using Data table).
Hope this will helpful to you.


Systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe",URL
Set CurrObj=Browser("name:="&browsernm).Page("title:="&Pagenm)

Dim oexcel
Dim obook
Dim osheet

Set oexcel=CreateObject("Excel.Application")'run excel application
Set obook=oexcel.Workbooks.Open("c:\Book2.xls") 'open work book from specified location
Set osheet=obook.Worksheets(1)'open worksheet with name or index specified

rowcnt=osheet.usedrange.rows.count ' get row count in excel sheet
msgbox rowcnt

For i=1 to rowcnt
CurrObj.WebEdit("name:=q").Set temp
CurrObj.WebButton("name:=Google Search").Click

colcnt=osheet.usedrange.columns.count 'get column count in excel sheet
msgbox colcnt

Set osheet = Nothing
Set obook = Nothing
Set oexcel = Nothing

Thursday, April 28, 2011

QTP-Working with Radio Group

Working with Radio Group
To check whether radio group exist or not
To select radio button
Browser("title:=browser").Page("title:=page).WebRadioGroup("name:=newEnrollEmployeeType").Select "#1"
Browser("title:=browser").Page("title:=page).WebRadioGroup("name:=newEnrollEmployeeType").Select "N"
Allitem values should give in Select Value
To get how many radio buttons in group
itemcnt=Browser("title:=browser").Page("title:=page).WebRadioGroup("name:=newEnrollEmployeeType").GetROProperty("items count")
msgbox itemcnt

QTP- Working with WebList

Working with WebList
To check whether weblist is exist on page or not.
Var=Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).WebList(“html id:=name”).Exist(10)
Msgbox var
If var returns true then weblist exist on page.
Click on Weblist
Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).WebList(“html id:=name”).Click
Get particular item from weblist
Var=Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).WebList(“html id:=name”).GetItem(2)
Msgbox var
Var return second element from the weblist
To get count of Weblist item
Var= Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).WebList(“html id:=name”).GetROProperty(“items count)
Msgbox var
To select particular item from list
Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).WebList(“html id:=name”).Select(2)
It will select second item from the list
To count how many weblist exist on the page
Set oDesc = Description.Create()
 oDesc("micclass").Value = "WebList"
Set Lists = Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).ChildObjects(oDesc)
 NumberOfLists = Lists.Count()
Msgbox NumberOfLists
To get last element from weblist
Itemcnt= Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).WebList(“html id:=name”).GetROProperty(“items count)
Itemvalue= Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).WebList(“html id:=name”).GetItem(Itemcnt)
Browser(“title:=browser”).Page(“title:=page”).WebList(“html id:=name”).Select Itemvalue